Know the tree bylaws and removal permits requirements in your municipality
Do you want to remove a tree on your property? Most cities and towns have strict tree removal bylaws that apply to trees on private, municipal and/or ravine property. You may need an Arborist report to apply for a building permit. A Tree Preservation Plan and replacement planting plan may also be necessary.
Our service includes all the documents you need to apply for the compulsory permit(s) as per the specific requirements laid out in the bylaw.
Municipal Removal Permits
Ontario Pesticide Law
In April 2009, Ontario introduced a cosmetic pesticide bylaw. Click here for more information from the Ministry of the Environment.
Stay Informed – On any changes regarding Removals, Bylaws and Permits. Check Back Often!
Call us at (905) 773-5906 or fill out our online form to inquire about our expert tree care services. One of our courteous client support team members will get in touch with you soon.